K. Male'
11 Dec 2017 | Mon 17:19
Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom
Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom
Ex-President Maumoon
Gayoom ‘pleased’ that MP Mahloof met ex-Malaysian PM
MP Mahloof briefed former Malaysian PM on Maldives situation
Mahloof tweeted that it was a “great pleasure to meet the former Prime Minister” and described him as “the father of modernization” of Malaysia
Gayoom said that Dr Mahathir was “a close trusted friend of Maldives”

Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom has said he was ‘pleased’ that South-Galolhu MP Ahmed Mahloof met with Dr Mahathir Mohamed, the Former Prime Minister of Malaysia.

In a tweet on Monday, the opposition MP posted photos of him and his wife meeting Dr Mahathir.

Mahloof tweeted that it was a “great pleasure to meet the former Prime Minister” and described him as “the father of modernization” of Malaysia.

He also said he had briefed Dr Mahathir of the political situation in Maldives, which is “similar to what’s happening in Malaysia.”

Following this, Gayoom tweeted that he was ‘pleased’ Mahloof had briefed Dr Mahathir on the current political situation.

Gayoom said that Dr Mahathir was “a close trusted friend of Maldives”.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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