K. Male'
10 Dec 2017 | Sun 22:39
North-Maafannu Constituency MP Imthiyaz Fahmy
North-Maafannu Constituency MP Imthiyaz Fahmy
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Human Rights in Maldives
HRCM is 'a government slave', says opposition MP
HRCM is encouraging Yameen administration's dishonest practices, says MP
Government 'purposefully' eroding citizens' rights
Violent murders and mysterious deaths remain unsolved

Human Rights Commission of the Maldives (HRCM) is 'a government slave' that endorses and encourages the corruptive practices of the Yameen administration, says North-Maafannu Constituency MP, Imthiyaz Fahmy.

At a news conference held on Human Rights Day, MP Fahmy said Maldives is behind in almost all areas of human rights.

Fahmy claimed that the government is 'purposefully' eroding the rights of citizens, while the HRCM ignores it.

He also accused employees of government and non-government organizations of only caring about holding onto their positions.

The current administration has a record number of human rights violations, he said, adding that the human rights commission has done nothing to protect those rights.

He also expressed concern over the unsolved cases of violent murders and mysterious deaths in recent years.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ismail Naail Nasheed
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