K. Male'
09 Dec 2017 | Sat 06:01
MP Mahloof's father dragged away by the Police
MP Mahloof's father dragged away by the Police
Crackdown on Opposition
MP Mahloof’s father arrested against principles: Pres. Nasheed
Arrested after Friday prayers in Islamic Center
Called for his immediate release

Former President Mohamed Nasheed has stated that lawmaker MP Ahmed Mahloof’s father Mohamed Hassaan’s arrest was against set principles and procedures.

Following his arrest on Friday, after Friday prayers, President Nasheed tweeted that the arrest was against procedures and called for his release.

Hassaan was summoned to Maldives Police Service on allegations made against him on Thursday. Hassaan had prayed for the downfall and ‘ill health’ of incumbent President Abdulla Yameen and those ‘close to him’. Speaking to RaajjeMV after answering his summons on Thursday, Hassaan said that President Yameen did not have a monopoly on where and what can be prayed on.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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