K. Male'
08 Dec 2017 | Fri 23:54
Mohamed Hassaan being led out by officers of MPS
Mohamed Hassaan being led out by officers of MPS
Crackdown on Opposition
Solicitation accusations raised on MP Mahloof’s father
Charges raised under clause 615 (a) (5) of Penal Code
Accused of soliciting for a sexual act
Accused of trading without a permit as well

Maldives Police Service (MPS) has raised charges of soliciting for a sexual act on Mohamed Hassaan, father of Galolhu South Constituency MP Ahmed Mahloof.

The charges were raised under clause 615 (a) (5) of Penal Code. An additional charge of trading without a permit under clause 613 (a) of the Penal Code was levied along with committing an act that violated Islam and Islamic values under clause 617 (d) of the Code. Clause 617 (d) is non-existent under the current Penal Code.

Hassaan’s lawyer Thoaha Mohamed had confirmed the charges to RaajjeMV.

The charges were slapped soon after his arrest after Friday prayers, for having had prayed against the incumbent President Abdullah Yameen and the present administration.

Crackdown on dissent had increased over the past few months. However, Hassaan’s arrest is a first, as no individual was arrested while in prayer.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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