K. Male'
08 Dec 2017 | Fri 18:19
Swimmers in the event lined up before the swim
Swimmers in the event lined up before the swim
Joint Opposition Rally
Participant of opposition’s swim from Bilehdhoo passes away
Deceased is Ibrahim Nahid
Was a diver
Passed away few minutes after taken to Health Center

One of the participants of the swim from Bilehdhoo island to Magoodhoo island has passed away.

RaajjeMV understands that the deceased is Ibrahim Nahid.

He was taken to Bilehdhoo Health Center, a few minutes after the swim began, and had passed away soon afterward. Reportedly he had no underlying medical conditions and was in good health at the time of passing.

Nahid was an experienced diver, but had complained of difficulties shortly after the swim began. He was taken aboard a speed boat and rushed to the Health Center.

A group of youth from the island had participated in the event, where swimmers crossed a three-mile area from Bilehdhoo to Magoodhoo. Two boats, a speed launch and a dinghy was active in monitoring the condition of the swimmers.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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