K. Male'
08 Dec 2017 | Fri 17:17
Members of the opposition arriving in the island
Members of the opposition arriving in the island
Joint Opposition
Joint Opposition received warmly in Magoodhoo
Rally will start at 2130hrs
Recently held a massive rally in Thinadhoo
Magoodhoo rally previously postponed due to rains

Magoodhoo island in Faafu Atoll have given a warm welcome to the visiting team from the Joint Opposition.

The team is the island for the mass rally in the island. The rally was initially slated for last week’s Friday, which was cancelled due to the rains.

Joint Opposition reported the rally will be a massive one and many prominent speakers will be featured in the rally.

The rally comes amid a campaign launched by the opposition over the recently signed China Maldives Free Trade Agreement. The opposition maintained that the agreement will negatively impact the economy and is in effect, a slavery agreement.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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