K. Male'
07 Dec 2017 | Thu 21:48
Members of the National Integrity Commission, including the now dismissed chair, at the President's Office
Members of the National Integrity Commission, including the now dismissed chair, at the President's Office
Twitter/Presidency Maldives
National Integrity Commission
President's Office re-announces vacancy of NIC seat
The deadline for applications now is until 12:00 pm of December 19th
The President's Office had previously called for applications in November, immediately after its then chair was dismissed
Yoosuf Maaniu was dismissed less than a week after he took to social media to criticize police obstruction of an ongoing investigation

President’s Office has again re-announced the vacancy of a seat on the National Integrity Commission (NIC), after its chair Yoosuf Maaniu was dismissed.

A statement on the website said that the deadline for applications is set at 12:00 pm on 19th December, and those must apply must do with their criminal record history, bank and financial records for debt, and statement from the Elections Commission on political membership status.

The President’s Office had previously asked for applications on November 28th, four days after the dismissal. The re-announcement comes with a deadline extension of three days, as it was previously until 6th December.

Maaniu’s dismissal was announced six days after he made a post on his Twitter account about senior officers of the police obstructing an ongoing NIC probe. a source from within the commission that officers had made its staff delete photographs they had taken of prisoner holding cells operated by the police in Villingili of Gaafu Alifu Atoll.

READ MORE: National Integrity Commission accuses police of obstructing investigation

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Rushdha Rasheed
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