K. Male'
08 Dec 2017 | Fri 13:51
Former President Mohamed Nasheed
Former President Mohamed Nasheed
Ex-President Mohamed Nasheed
Ex-Pres. Nasheed reiterates that he will return to the Maldives
Nasheed sentenced on terror charges on March 2015
Granted medical leave on January 18, 2016

Former President Mohamed Nasheed has reiterated that he will return back to the Maldives.

Speaking to Sri Lanka’s News First on Wednesday, the former President said that he intended to return back to the Maldives.

When questioned about the possibility of an arrest on arrival, President Nasheed said that he hoped the authorities would use sense and refrain from such an action. He added the international community was keeping a close eye on the situation.

President Nasheed was sentenced to 13 years on terror charges on March 13,2015. He was granted release on medical grounds on January 18, 2016 and was granted asylum by the United Kingdom.

Following this he had made regular visits to Sri Lanka and had given speeches on various platforms hosted by India, America and Europe

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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