K. Male'
30 Nov 2017 | Thu 18:28
Satellite image of current weather
Satellite image of current weather
Hindustani Times
Current Weather Conditions
Tropical depression upgraded to a cyclone
Yellow alert issued from 3pm to 7pm
Cautioned over sea travel

Met Department has upgraded the tropical depression near Sri Lanka to a storm, now title Cyclone Ochki.

While the Maldives is not in the direct trajectory, it is expected that strong winds and rain will be experienced across the nation.

As such, the Met Department had issued a yellow alert for atoll from Haa Alif to Kaafu Atolls from 3pm to 7pm on Thursday. Torrential rain and thunderstorms with winds gusting to a speed of 55 mph are expected during this period.

National carrier Maldivian had suspended several flights, with some international flights to Sri Lanka cancelled as well.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Abdulla Naseer Ibrahim
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