K. Male'
29 Nov 2017 | Wed 08:15
Hanimaadhoo Constituency MP Hussain Shahudhee
Hanimaadhoo Constituency MP Hussain Shahudhee
People Megazine
Floor Crossing Motion
MP Shahudhee faces loss of seat, following removal from PPM
Removed from PPM on Monday
Request sent to EC to remove him from register
MP Mohamed Abdullah also facing loss of seat

Hanimaadhoo Constituency MP Hussain Shahudhee has been dismissed from ruling Progressive Party of the Maldives (PPM).

A senior official of PPM had confirmed the news to RaajjeMV, adding that the Parliamentarian was removed by the Ethics Committee on Monday.

The decision had been forwarded to Elections Commission (EC) as well, along with the decision to remove Ihavandhoo Constituency MP Mohamed Abdullah.

So far 10 MPs had been stripped from their Parliament seats, following the controversial ruling issued by the Supreme Court of the Maldives.

Due to the ruling, Maduvvari Constituency Member of Parliament Mohamed Ameeth, Dhihdhoo Constituency Member of Parliament Abdul Latheef Mohamed, Vilingili Constituency Member of Parliament Saud Hussain, Thulusdhoo Constituency Member of Parliament Mohamed Waheed Ibrahim, Dhangethi Constituency Member of Parliament Ilham Ahmed, Thinadhoo South Constituency Member of Parliament Abdullah Ahmed, Mahchangolhi South Constituency Member of Parliament Abdullah Sinan, Thimarafushi Constituency Member of Parliament Mohamed Musthafa, Thinadhoo North Constituency Member of Parliament Saudhullah Hilmy and Fuvahmulah North Constituency Member of Parliament Ali Shah have all lost their seats.

They all were dismissed from the Party citing several violations such as going against Party laws, defaming the state and disobeying the rulings of the Parliamentary Group.

These members had signed the no confidence motion on Parliament Speaker Abdullah Maseeh. They were ordered to revoke their signatures, but had refused to comply.

Both Shahudhee and Mohamed had left the Party over this dispute.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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