K. Male'
28 Nov 2017 | Tue 08:30
MP Ali Azim speaking in parliament
MP Ali Azim speaking in parliament
People Megazine
MP Ali Azim
2018 parliamentary sittings will likely be disrupted by elections, says MP Azim
Azim said he believes only three parliamentary sittings would be held next year
The parliamentarian said pro-government MPs would be preoccupied with presidential campaigns
Azim also said he believes incumbent President Yameen would flee the country before polls

Central Henveiru constituency MP Ali Azim says he does not believe the number of parliamentary sittings held next year will be more than three.

While speaking to RaajjeTV, Azim said that he believes parliamentary sittings for next year will be disrupted by the presidential elections, slated for 2018.

Azim said he believes pro-government parliamentarians would ‘likely hold just three’ sittings before committing to campaigning. Azim further said he believes President Abdulla Yameen would leave the country before the elections.

“The opening ceremony will be held, I will attend it myself depending on the position of my party, but I do not think they will hold more than three sittings. I also believe President Yameen will likely flee while his supporters are campaigning for him” Azim said.

Azim went on to say that he believes more pro-government parliamentarians would begin supporting the opposition, and that this loss of support for the government is what would drive them to disrupt parliamentary sittings.

The parliamentarian also said that the inauguration assembly for next year’s parliament session will only be held to show the government’s ‘superior position’.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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