K. Male'
25 Nov 2017 | Sat 02:51
Professor Hassan Ugail: latest criticism came over the status of debt in the economy
Professor Hassan Ugail: latest criticism came over the status of debt in the economy
Economy in Crisis
Would you swim in a sea of debt in the name of economic progress?: asks Prof. Ugail
Asked if Maldivians would prefer seeing another flag hoisted
Govt. taking massive loans in name of development
Of late had criticized the Govt.

Professor Hassan Ugail has questioned Maldivians if they would ‘swim in a sea of debt in the name of economic progress’.

He posed the question in a tweet posted. Attached with the tweet is a report from BBC highlighting that Maldives and Sri Lanka was sinking more in to debt with China.

In his tweet, Professor Ugail questioned would it be bearable for Maldivians to see other flags being hoisted on the lands.

‘Letting a foreign power pinch even an inch of land poses a grave threat to the very sovereignty of a nation,’ the tweet read.

Of late Professor Ugail had taken to voice his dissatisfaction over Government policies. His last criticism was directed at Economic Minister Mohamed Saeed.

Speaking in the ceremony held to mark four years to this administration, Minister Saeed said if a smaller nation was to make an impact on the global arena, that nation would be the Maldives.

Responding to this, Professor Ugail said if a nation were to lead the world by example, then they must ‘try sincerity and intellect, challenge the technological prowess’. He added that an upper hand cannot be gained by using ‘concocted figures, outdated concepts and debt worth millions’.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Abdulla Naseer Ibrahim
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