K. Male'
24 Nov 2017 | Fri 02:11
Thinadhoo North Constituency MP Saudhullah Hilmy
Thinadhoo North Constituency MP Saudhullah Hilmy
Joint Opposition Rally
Had voted against beliefs many times for the sake of Constituents: MP Hilmy
EC has no right to determine how MPs lose their seats
Asked Constituents to question Govt. over status of MPs

Thinadhoo North Constituency MP Saudhullah Hilmy has stated that he had voted against his personal beliefs many times over for the sake of his Constituents.

He made the declaration speaking in the joint opposition rally in Thinadhoo island, MP Hilmy said he had grave concerns over some of the bills he had voted in for sake of his Constituents.

Referring to the Parliament, MP Hilmy said the Constitution was crystal clear on how a sitting MP would lose his seat. Therefore, he argued that Elections Commission (EC) had no rights to declare an MP was no longer eligible to represent his Constituency.

MP Hilmy further noted that when he had attempted to clarify the status of his membership, both EC and Parliament were silent on the matter.

He added that so long as Supreme Court did not deliver a definitive verdict on the status of his seat, he will continue serving and representing his area.

MP Hilmy urged his Constituents to question the authorities on what had happened to the MP they had elected.

He also criticized the present Government’s claims of development. MP Hilmy said all development seen in the atoll were the contributions made by former Presidents Maumoon Abdul Gayoom and Mohamed Nasheed.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Azmoon Ahmed
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