K. Male'
22 Nov 2017 | Wed 14:17
Former Vice President Mohamed Jameel Ahmed speaking at a press conference
Former Vice President Mohamed Jameel Ahmed speaking at a press conference
Vice President Mohamed Jameel
Ex-VP Jameel 'hopes Maldivians will not wait as long Zimbabweans' for dictator's fall
Jameel made his comments in a post on his Twitter account following the resignation of Zimbabwe’s strong man Robert Gabriel Mugabe
Jameel has been living abroad since his tenure as vice president ended in 2015 through a vote of no-confidence
Jameel had later been named leader of the Maldives United Opposition, a coalition between opposition parties

Former Vice President Mohamed Jameel Ahmed has said that he hopes Maldivians shouldn’t have to wait as long as residents of Zimbabwe to ‘see the fall of a dictator’.

Jameel made his comments in a post on his Twitter account following the resignation of Zimbabwe’s strong man Robert Gabriel Mugabe after nearly four decades in office.

93-year-old Mugabe, who has been in office since 1980, refused to step down despite continued protest and pressure from lawmakers.

He is succeeded by former vice president, Emerson Mnangagwa, and not his current deputy Phelekezela Mphoko.

Jameel has been living abroad since his tenure as vice president ended in 2015 through a vote of no-confidence submitted by the ruling party and backed by the opposition.

Jameel had later been named leader of the Maldives United Opposition, a coalition between opposition parties.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Rushdha Rasheed
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