K. Male'
22 Nov 2017 | Wed 12:50
Jumhooree Party Deputy Leader Abdullah Kamaluddin in RaajjeTV’s Fala Surukhee program
Jumhooree Party Deputy Leader Abdullah Kamaluddin in RaajjeTV’s Fala Surukhee program
Abdulla Naseer Ibrahim
2018 Presidential Elections
Elections must be inclusive and people's rights accounted for: Kamaluddin
Govt. must facilitate elections
Need for a change paramount

Jumhooree Party Deputy Leader Abdullah Kamaluddin says that any elections must be all inclusive and take into account rights of all.

The former Minister made the statement speaking in RaajjeTV’s Fala Surukhee program on Tuesday night.

Kamaluddin said that due to the current situation of the nation, significant changes needed to be made to the Maldives, which the joint opposition was attempting to do. He said the joint opposition was not focused on coming to power, but also to change the way procedures are run in the country. He said this was vital to bring meaningful change to the nation.

Reflecting on the current political situation Kamaluddin said it was vital that a way to reach free and fair elections was a must. He added he hoped the Government will consider this and grant level playing field to all parties contesting.

Kamaluddin also refuted rumors of division within the opposition.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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