K. Male'
22 Nov 2017 | Wed 11:15
Social media activist and whistle blower Thayyib Shaheem
Social media activist and whistle blower Thayyib Shaheem
Attacks on Whistle blowers
My informants are motivated by justice, communication not over phone: Thayyib
Phone confiscated as part of hunt to find informants
Phone confiscate for a period of 30 days
No communication over phone, all informants are against injustice

Social media activist and whistleblower Thayyib Shaheem says his informants are individuals working under this administration, who do not support corruption and injustice.

Speaking in RaajjeTV’s Sungadi program, Thayyib said he did not use his phone to communicate with his informants.

‘The information I get is not over phone. There are groups in Government offices, Commissions, army, police and other institutions who are against corruption, injustice and who are actively working against this. I get information from various stages, sometimes from planning stages, sometimes while the plan is being implemented,’ he said.

Thayyib further said he received information from senior figures within ruling Progressive Party of the Maldives (PPM), President’s Office and abroad. Thayyib said the information provided to him are what the informant is aware of and as such there may be minor errors.

In spite of the warrant, Thayyib remains defiant.

His phone was confiscated on Monday, while he was in a café in capital Male’ City under a Criminal Court order.

The order, issued by Judge Adam Arif, says his phone was to be confiscated as part of an ongoing investigation into his social media posts on President Abdullah Yameen, Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) President Hassan Luthufee and other senior Government officials and to find out his informants.

Thayyib's phone was confiscated for a period of 30 days.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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