K. Male'
21 Nov 2017 | Tue 15:34
Fonadhoo Constituency MP Abdul Raheem Abdullah
Fonadhoo Constituency MP Abdul Raheem Abdullah
Corruption Allegations
Leaked letter on MP Raheem shows corruption, abuse of power
Banished for 12 years for theft during time in STO
Letter was sent in 2006 from Hahdhunmathi Atoll office to Atolls Ministry
Relieved from duties thrice during this period

A letter on Fonadhoo Constituency MP Abdul Raheem Abdullah has leaked on social media.

The letter makes several allegations on the Parliamentarian, including that of corruption, abuse of power and graft.

The letter was sent by Handhunmathi Atoll Office back in 2006 to Ministry of Atolls Development. The letter is addressed to then Minister of Atolls Development, Mohamed Waheeduddin, who later on served as Vice President during the administration of President Mohamed Waheed.

It requested the Ministry to remove MP Abdul Raheem, who was then serving as Senior Secretary at the Office. As per the letter, the Parliamentarian was suspended from September 29, 2005 until the cases against him was fully investigated.

The Office expressed concern over the lack of progress in the investigation. It noted the statements sent along with a letter to the Minister on September 22, 2005 proved the cases on MP Raheem.

The letter also noted that MP Raheem was convicted of theft during his time in State Trading Organization (STO) and was sentenced to 12 years banishment.

MP Raheem recently spoke of the sentence of him, citing that he was ‘unjustly’ punished during former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom’s tenure. He said that he was jailed for three years and 18 days, served one year and nine months under house arrest as well as 12 years and five months in banishment. Speaking in a public forum, MP Raheem said he was punished as a certain figure could not engage in illicit relations with his wife.

As per the letter on social media, Atolls Ministry had refused to approve MP Raheem’s nomination as island chief in March 2006. President’s Office further said there were several cases lodged against him in Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) and therefore his appointment cannot be approved.

The letter further noted that MP Raheem was suspended thrice while he was working in the Atoll Office. His reinstatement, it said, was clear proof that the administration supported the actions of MP Raheem.

It noted that reinstating him was ‘a reward’ and was a clear conflict of interest.

MP Raheem was unreachable for a comment on the issue. He had not answered the calls or SMS sent in by RaajjeMV.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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