K. Male'
19 Nov 2017 | Sun 23:30
A total of 12 students from the Ghiyasuddin Int'l School competed in the tournament
A total of 12 students from the Ghiyasuddin Int'l School competed in the tournament
Simaha Naseem
Ghiyasuddhin School
Ghiyasuddhin School picks up 32 medals at the World Scholar's Cup
The World Scholar's Cup is hosted by the Yale University's Yale International Relations Association
It was held from the 9th to 14 of November, at Yale University
A total of 12 students from the school competed in the tournament

Ghiyasuddhin International School has picked up 32 medals at the World Scholar's Cup- Tournament of Champions.

A total of 12 students from the school- two groups of six- competed in the tournament. The junior team won 14 gold medals, seven silver medals while the senior team took two gold medals and nine silver medals.

The school's deputy principal, Shirmeen Faheem said that this is the second time the school has taken part in the annual tournament.

"We are very proud of them, for the good name they have brought to the school," added Shirmeen.

The World Scholar's Cup is hosted by the Yale University's Yale International Relations Association.

It was held from the 9th to 14 of November, at Yale University in the United States of America.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Mohamed Zahir
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