K. Male'
17 Nov 2017 | Fri 12:10
Joint opposition parties held a panel discussion to the budget for 2018
Joint opposition parties held a panel discussion to the budget for 2018
Opposition MPs
Opposition MP express concern over state budget for 2018
Joint opposition parties held a panel discussion to the budget for 2018
The panel was held at Kunooz, the Jumhooree Party's headquarters

Parliamentarians aligned with the opposition have expressed concern over the proposed state budget for 2018, and projects for which funds were allocated in it.

MP Ali Hussein, who was on the panel at a conference held at Jumhooree Party headquarters Kunooz called 'Budget Bahus' (which literally means 'budget debate'), said that the budget fails to allocate funds equally to different regions in the country.

He also said that the despite having funds earmarked for developing guesthouse tourism, there is none for promoting and advertising local businesses.

MP Hussein further noted that while the budget has allocated funds to digitalize public school education, several schools in the outer lying atolls have downtrodden buildings, a shortage of teachers, and are logistically backward.

MP Ibrahim Shareef said that the budget’s tax system needs to be reviewed, and levied in a manner that is more just to all people in the country, especially those that earn less.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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