K. Male'
17 Nov 2017 | Fri 07:57
Kulhudhuffushi island: Ecocare had filed suit against Govt. agencies over reclaiming part of the island for airport development project
Kulhudhuffushi island: Ecocare had filed suit against Govt. agencies over reclaiming part of the island for airport development project
Kulhudhuffushi Airport
Ecocare lawsuit heads to trial following failure to resolve dispute
Case filed last week
Filed for a stay order on all issues related to airport development

The case filed by Ecocare will now go to trial after failure to resolve the dispute.

Ecocare file suit against both the Environment Ministry and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) which is run under it.

Speaking to RaajjeMV previously, Ecocare lawyer said the case was filed last week and was accepted by Civil Court.

The lawyer said reclaiming of the mangrove and construction of the airport was going ahead against principles and procedures set by both EPA and Ministry. As such, the lawyer maintained these procedures had been willfully ignored by the two bodies.

Ecocare had filed for a stay order on all procedures and processes involving the reclamation of mangrove and construction of airport in the island, citing that procedures set by the two bodies were not being followed.

While the case was filed in Civil Court, the airport project was launched for the island by President Abdullah Yameen last week.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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