K. Male'
12 Nov 2017 | Sun 20:26
Lawyer Hisaan Hussain speaking to press: her suspension has been lifted
Lawyer Hisaan Hussain speaking to press: her suspension has been lifted
Lawyers Suspension
Suspensions for Hisaan, Riffath lifted
In total 54 lawyers were suspended
Only 15 lawyers remain under suspension
Suspended after filing a motion in Supreme Court

Suspensions have been lifted for two additional lawyers.

An announcement by Department of Judicial Administration (DJA) said that suspensions were lifted for lawyers Hisaan Hussain and Ibrahim Riffath. The duo, along with 52 other lawyers were suspended on September 10th.

The announcement added suspensions were lifted after DJA had finished reviewing their cases.

DJA suspended 54 lawyers, with the body reversing their decision for 37 lawyers soon afterward. Only 15 lawyers are currently suspension.

Hisaan Hussain is a prominent lawyer, serving in the legal teams for former President Mohamed Nasheed and Jumhooree Party leader Qasim Ibrahim. Riffath served as lawyers for Maduvvari Constituency MP Mohamed Ameeth, Thulusdhoo Constituency MP Mohamed Waheed Ibrahim and several other Parliamentarians.

DJA passed to suspended 54 lawyers after they had attempted to file a petition in the Supreme Court of Maldives, highlighting several issues with the judicial justice system.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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