K. Male'
10 Nov 2017 | Fri 19:53
Senior Government officials and President Yameen at Thursday night's Asthaa rally
Senior Government officials and President Yameen at Thursday night's Asthaa rally
Twitter/Presidency Maldives
Threats against Media Freedom
RaajjeTV condemns barring journalists from covering Asthaa rally
Entrance barred after issuing passes
Informed of decision by security officers

RaajjeTV has condemned the Government’s decision to bar journalists of the station from covering the Progressive Party of the Maldives (PPM) Asthaa rally held on Thursday night.

A statement released by the station over the issue noted the Government’s decision to bar the station’s journalists from covering the rally, after releasing them official passes, only further proved the Government had a clear bias against opposition aligned media.

‘What we saw was there was a clear bias against Maldivians on Maldivian soil. Failure to give equal opportunities,’ the statement said.

The statement added that while senior Government officials say equal opportunity will be granted to all media, decisions like this only underscored that this was mere talk.

RaajjeTV further noted that senior figures at the Government and PPM had no intention of adhering and ensuring that press and media were given equal access and freedoms. Describing this as a core challenge facing media, the station called on the Government and PPM to grant media freedom and access.

The station’s journalists were barred after releasing official passes for the event.

Cameraman Ahmed Mamdhooh reported they were not allowed in, even after they had produced the passes. Officials at the entrance said they were instructed not to allow RaajjeTV journalists in.

PPM Deputy Leader and Vilufushi Constituency MP Riyaz Rasheed and Fonadhoo Constituency MP Abdul Raheem Abdullah had not answered the repeated calls made by the station. Additional attempts to contact senior figures was futile as well.

This is not the first time RaajjeTV was banned from covering PPM rallies.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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