K. Male'
07 Nov 2017 | Tue 12:08
Former Defense Minister Nazim just before transfer back to prison after a brief stay at home
Former Defense Minister Nazim just before transfer back to prison after a brief stay at home
Ex. Minister Nazim
Adhaalath Party calls for Colonel Nazim’s release
Called to release former Minister Nazim
Nazim marked 1000 days to incarceration

Opposition aligned Adhaalath Party (AP) has, once again, called on authorities to release jailed former Defense Minister Colonel (Rtd) Mohamed Nazim.

The party made the call in the statement released to mark 1000 days to Nazim’s incarceration.

AP said there were no legal reasons to keep Nazim in detention, especially given that former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb had vouched for his innocence in a letter sent to Supreme Court. Therefore, AP had called on authorities to complete procedures and release Nazim.

AP added that both AP and the Party’s leader Sheikh Imran Abdullah had always championed this cause, as review of the entire case clearly showed collusion by certain figures with the abuse of state institutions and bodies.

Officers of Maldives Police Service (MPS) had entered Colonel Nazim’s residence in the early hours of January 18, 2015. He was serving as Defense Minister then. He was jailed afterwards for harboring weapons in his residence; allegedly a pistol was recovered from the residence.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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