K. Male'
05 Nov 2017 | Sun 11:57
Defense Minister Adam Shareef Umar speaking in the official ceremony held to mark this year's Victory Day
Defense Minister Adam Shareef Umar speaking in the official ceremony held to mark this year's Victory Day
Victory Day 2017
Traitors are still amongst us: Defense Minister
Traitors are still among us, must remain vigilant

Defense Minister Adam Shareef Umar has stated that there were traitors still amongst our independent nation.

Speaking in the official ceremony held by the defense forces to mark Victory Day, Minister Adam Shareef said while we were experiencing all the benefits of independence, we must remember there were elements within us conspiring to negate the very independence and overthrow a legally elected Government. He said every single time that had happened, leaders at that time had faced that challenge and came up victorious.

Referring to events of the past, Minister Adam Shareef cited secularism and extremism as potential threats to our way of life. He urged all to remain steadfast in Islam and as Muslims to prevent this. He also warned relevant state agencies to remain cautious and vigilant.

National Counter Terrorism Center’s Director General Brigadier General Zakariyya Mansoor also spoke in the ceremony. In his speech he said the Almighty had provided Maldivians all necessary requirements to create a united nation. General Mansoor cited as Sri Lanka as an example of how divisions within the nation can impact the outlook of the entire nation. He added that such divisions were apparent within Maldives as well and that the defense sector must talk about this. General Mansoor said concrete solutions must be found before resorting to more serious measures.

While the General had made several valid points in his speech, much of public attention was focused on how the Maldivian flag pin on the general was pinned upside down.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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