K. Male'
29 Oct 2017 | Sun 20:01
Mangrove in Kulhudhuffushi island; nine out of 12 hectares are to be reclaimed to create an airport in the island
Mangrove in Kulhudhuffushi island; nine out of 12 hectares are to be reclaimed to create an airport in the island
Mohamed Zahir
Kulhudhuffushi Mangrove
Injunction filed to halt reclamation of Kulhudhuffushi mangrove
Nine out of 12 hectares to be reclaimed
Reclamation to begin this week
MTCC’s massive dredger to carry out project

Concerned parties have filed for an injunction to halt the reclamation of mangrove in Kulhudhuffushi island in Haa Dhaal atoll.

The reclaimed area is to be developed into a regional airport and is marketed as a massive development project for the region by the government, in spite of the glaring consequences to the island highlighted in the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report.

The case was filed by Mohamed Adam, native of the island, against Civil Aviation Authority.

The case stated the injunction was requested to halt potential economic losses to the island sustained as a result of airport development. The case added they had no issues over creating an airport in the island but said there were other possible locations that can house an airport. Therefore, the case noted, it was not acceptable to reclaim the mangrove.

The contractor, Maldives Transport and Contracting Company (MTCC), is to reclaim nine out the 12 hectares in the mangrove for the project. MTCC’s Trailing Suction Hopper Dredger, “Mahaa Jarraaf” will begin the project this week.

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report said the project will have "lasting damage" and is "undesirable from a purely environmental perspective".

The mangrove in Kulhudhuffushi island is the largest of its kind in the country, and the island is among the Environment Ministry's identified "Environmentally Sensitive Areas". While the island previously had two mangrove areas, the area in the south was reclaimed for the island's development.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Miuvaan Mohamed
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