K. Male'
28 Oct 2017 | Sat 07:50
Deputy Speaker Moosa Manik in Parliament session
Deputy Speaker Moosa Manik in Parliament session
2018 Presidential Elections
Deputy Speaker accuses of opposition of insincerity, motivated by greed
Surprising that Pres. Nasheed should talk of an interim government
Must keep nation safe
Cannot sacrifice nation for personal gains

Deputy Speaker of Parliament and Hulhuhenveyru Constituency MP Moosa Manik says that those working against President Abdullah Yameen were insincere and motivated purely by greed.

Speaking in the symposium organized by First Lady’s Office for President Yameen’s re-election bid on Thursday night, the Deputy Speaker accused the opposition of defamation.

Noting that business owners had sacrificed a lot to establish and successfully run their operations, MP Moosa said any actions that defame the nation on the global arena were felt on these businesses. Such actions, he said were unacceptable.

The Parliamentarian said the nation needed to be safe, if not there will not be a nation for anyone to govern. Therefore, he said any actions that damage the nation is unacceptable. MP Moosa said this was unpatriotic. He also called for a return to ethics in the political field.

MP Moosa criticized former President Mohamed Nasheed’s calls to establish an interim Government. He said it was hypocritical that they were talking of an interim leader while President Nasheed’s party Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) had not allowed another leader to come forth from them. He added that it was deeply concerning that a former Commissioner of Elections was being sacrificed for political gains by politicians.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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