K. Male'
26 Oct 2017 | Thu 14:49
Twitter users in Maldives voted in overwhelming favor of a cat for President than the incumbent one
Twitter users in Maldives voted in overwhelming favor of a cat for President than the incumbent one
2018 Presidential Elections
Feline wins over incumbent Maldives President in twitter poll
Only 11 percent voted to give a second term to President Yameen
A whopping 89 percent voted for the cat
1385 voted in the twitter poll

A feline has won over incumbent President Abdullah Yameen in a poll taken on twitter by Galolhu South Constituency MP Ahmed Mahloof.

MP Mahloof opened the poll on Tuesday for a period of 24 hours, in which 1385 twitter users had cast their votes. Eleven percent had polled to give a second term to President Yameen with 89 percent cast votes to usher in a cat as the leader of the nation.



Based on the responses to the poll, many had seen this as dry humor, with some tweeting that even a cat’s nomination must be reviewed seriously.



Pro-Government twitter accounts had offered commentary on how the opposition was unable to offer a viable candidate for the 2018 elections and was forced to resort to a cat as a candidate.

Others had said this poll was long overdue.



Political humor is part of democratic societies. However, political humor in the Maldives is very much stifled as those whom the humor is directed at are usually unable to take the humor.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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