K. Male'
25 Oct 2017 | Wed 18:30
The supplementary budget was presented by Finance Minister Ahmed Munavvar on Tuesday
The supplementary budget was presented by Finance Minister Ahmed Munavvar on Tuesday
People Megazine
Supplementary Budget
Parliament Committee passes supplementary budget
The supplementary budget was presented by Finance Minister Ahmed Munavvar on Tuesday
Parliament debated on supplementary budget on Wednesday; opposition MPs boycotted the debate
Pro-government MPs used Wednesday's sitting to criticize opposition lawmakers and praise President Yameen

Parliament's budget committee has on Wednesday, passed the proposed supplementary budget MVR 493 million, without any changes.

However, it will be passed after a vote on the parliament floor, and requires the majority of votes to pass.

The supplementary budget was presented by Finance Minister Ahmed Munavvar on Tuesday.

Opposition parliamentarians boycotted Wednesday's sitting, where members deliberated on the budget.

During the sitting, pro-government lawmakers, who were each given seven minutes to debate on the budget, criticized the opposition MPs, and took turns praising incumbent President Abdulla Yameen.

Out of the MVR 493 million proposed, MVR 330 million is allocated to NSPA and Aasandha. MVR 26 million is to be set aside to conduct by-elections for seven constituencies.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ismail Naail Nasheed
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