K. Male'
25 Oct 2017 | Wed 06:57
Senior officials of the joint opposition greeted the former President at Velana International Airport
Senior officials of the joint opposition greeted the former President at Velana International Airport
Murushidh Abdul Hakeem
Ex-President Maumoon
Ex-President Maumoon returns after trip to Malaysia
Senior officials of the joint opposition greeted the former President at Velana International Airport
The former President arrived on Tuesday night, after heading there on the 14th of this month, with his wife
While he was away, MP Faris was transferred back to prison from house arrest

Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom returned to Maldives on Tuesday night, after a short trip to Malaysia.

He was greeted at Velana International Airport by senior officials of the joint opposition including, Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP)’s parliamentary group leader Ibrahim Mohamed Solih, Jumhooree Party’s parliamentary group leader Abdulla Riyaz, former Youth Minister Maleeh Jamaal, former Minister at the President’s Office Abdulla Ameen, and more.

The former President, via twitter, thanked “all the senior members of the coalition” who were there to greet him at the airport.

Maumoon left to Malaysia on the 14th of this month, on a “short private visit” with his wife.

While they were away, their son, Dhiggaru constituency MP Ahmed Faris Maumoon was taken back to prison; where he has been since July. He was arrested on bribery allegations, with the Criminal Court ruling to keep him in detention until the end of trial. He has currently being tried on both bribery and identity theft charges.

The former President’s return comes days after his successor and coalition partner, former President Mohamed Nasheed called on all opposition partners to unite behind a single candidate for the 2018 presidential elections. While JP has responded that they were prepared to discuss on the matter, Maumoon’s faction of the party is yet to make any official statements on the matter.

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Rushdha Rasheed
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