K. Male'
24 Oct 2017 | Tue 11:11
Fuwad Thowfeek speaking to RaajjeTV: says he is ready to contest if approached
Fuwad Thowfeek speaking to RaajjeTV: says he is ready to contest if approached
2018 Presidential Elections
Ready to contest for the nation: Fuwad Thowfeek
Ready to serve nation in any capacity
No discussions held over question of candidacy
MP Nihan says Thowfeek is the interim candidate

Former head of Elections Commission (EC) Fuwad Thowfeek says that he is ready to contest in the next Presidential elections, for the sake of the nation and if the four opposition leaders make that request.

Speaking in RaajjeTV’s Sungadi program, Fuwad said if former Presidents Maumoon Abdul Gayoom and Mohamed Nasheed, as well as Jumhooree Party leader Qasim Ibrahim and Adhaalath Party leader Imran Abdullah puts forth such a proposition, he was more than willing to participate in the discussion. He added he will consider the proposition to run to serve the nation.

Fuwad indicated that he supports President Nasheed’s calls for a single candidate backed by all opposition parties, based on the situation of the nation.

His statements came amid social media buzz that Fuwad is to be the candidate backed by all parties for 2018 elections. This had been reported by some local media sources as well.

Fuwad has been living in Sri Lanka since he was removed from his position in EC.

Prior to this, some twitter users aligned with the opposition had praised Fuwad’s time in EC. Pro-Government MPs such as Progressive Party of the Maldives (PPM) PG leader Ahmed Nihan Hussain Manik said that opposition leaders such as Mohamed Nasheed and Ahmed Mahloof had bamboozled Fuwad Thowfeek into running as the interim leader for 2018.

Galolhu South Constituency MP Ahmed Mahloof a few days back stated that discussions had already begun on bringing forth a single candidate for the elections.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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