K. Male'
19 Oct 2017 | Thu 15:34
Pres Nasheed meets with EU delegation
Pres Nasheed meets with EU delegation
Ex-Pres Nasheed
President Nasheed meets EU delegation
Prospects of a free and fair presidential election next year was discussed

Former President Mohamed Nasheed has met with the European Union delegation in Colombo, Srilanka on Thursday.

Nasheed, who arrived in Colombo this week, was accompanied by the members of the Foreign Relations Committee of the opposition party MDP. This includes the former Foreign Minister Ahmed Naseem.

President Nasheed and his team briefed the EU team on the latest updated of the political situation in the Maldives. They also discussed the prospects of a free and fair presidential election next year, said MP Ahmed Mahloof, who too is in Colombo at the moment.

The meeting comes not long after the EU Parliament passed a resolution against Maldives and MEPs called for targeted sanctions.

The EU delegation in Colombo is accredited to the Maldives and the ambassador of EU member states accredited to Maldives are also based in Colombo. Even though the former President is currently residing in the United Kingdom, he makes frequent visits to Colombo to meet supporters and the international community as well as international media.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Rushdha Rasheed
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