K. Male'
18 Oct 2017 | Wed 21:46
Dhiggaru Constituency MP Ahmed Faris Mamoon
Dhiggaru Constituency MP Ahmed Faris Mamoon
Mohamed Sharuhaan
MP Faris Maumoon
MP Faris’ defence puts forth 23 pre-trial motions, including halting trial
Pre-trial motions to be decided on October 24th
Had requested to dismiss state witnesses
Requested to halt trial as procedures mandated had not been drawn up

The defence of Dhiggaru Constituency MP Ahmed Faris Mamoon has put forth 23 pre-trial motions for the trial on attempted bribery charges raised against the Parliamentarian.

In the preliminary hearings of the case held on September 25th, the Court had decreed to go ahead with the case. Criminal Procedures act dictates that if the Court pushes to go ahead with the case, then the defence can put forth pre-trial motions.

One of the pre-trial motions put forth had asked the Court to halt the hearings as the procedures mandated under the Criminal Procedures act had not been drawn up. The request to halt hearings was requested also as the Criminal Court had attempted to assume powers granted to Supreme Court.

Another one of the pre-trial motions put forth had also requested to throw out the case, without a trial, as the authorities had denied MP Faris right to defend himself from the allegations. One other pre-trial motions had also said the investigation was carried out against rules and requested to nullify the investigation.

The pre-trial motions had also said charges on MP Faris were raised with bias and raised after the time period set in procedures. Additionally, the defence had requested to halt the trial as they had filed the decision made by Criminal Court for appeal in High Court.

Additionally, one pre-trial motion had requested to dismiss the current evidence and to conduct forensic analysis with an independent investigator.

The defence had also requested to declare that the detention of MP Faris for the duration of investigation and trial was against laws.

The Court will decide on the pre-trial motion on the 24th of this month.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Abdulla Naseer Ibrahim
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