K. Male'
10 Oct 2017 | Tue 12:28
Abdul Rasheed Mohamed being escorted out of court by an officer of the Maldives Correction Services
Abdul Rasheed Mohamed being escorted out of court by an officer of the Maldives Correction Services
'May Day' Activist Death
51-yo arrested in 'May Day' protest passes away while serving sentence
Doctors pronounced Abdul Rasheed dead at about 10:30 am
Abdul Rasheed would have finished carrying out his sentence on February 18th, 2018

A 51-year-old serving a jail term for assault during the ‘May Day’ protests has passed away on Tuesday.

Abdul Rasheed Mohamed was taken to the hospital for an unexpected ailment on Monday.

An official from the Maldives Correctional Services said that doctors pronounced Abdul Rasheed dead at about 10:30 am.

Abdul Rasheed would have finished carrying out his sentence on February 18th, 2018.

The ‘May Day’ protests was a mass opposition rally held following the conviction of former president Mohamed Nasheed.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Husham Mohamed
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