K. Male'
09 Oct 2017 | Mon 23:30
Lawyers outside Supreme Court after submitting the petition, which ultimately
Lawyers outside Supreme Court after submitting the petition, which ultimately
Suspension of Lawyers
Cannot accept suspension of lawyers: UN
UN statement came days after YPPM MPs met UNHRC

The UN Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers Diego García-Sayán has called on the Maldives to create an independent bar association to oversee lawyers’ affairs.

He made the call in a statement released on Monday, expressing concern over the en masse suspension of lawyers in the country.

In his statement the Rapporteur noted the Bar Association must be impartial and seek to protect the rights of the lawyers, their independence and uphold ethical values.



García-Sayán added that lawyers must also be given room to express their opinions, freedom to assemble and raise their voices on general debate on upholding rule of law and human rights.

The statement noted the suspension of lawyers breached international principles and violated their freedoms. Rapporteur also noted their suspension was a gross violation of laws, adding they had no room to respond to charges and appeal. Noting the suspension only served to hinder lawyers, he expressed his concerns over it.

The statement came days after a delegation of pro-Government aligned MPs paid a visit to UNHRC.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Abdulla Naseer Ibrahim
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