K. Male'
09 Oct 2017 | Mon 17:11
RaajjeTV Chief Operating Officer (COO) Hussain Fiyaz Moosa outside of Court
RaajjeTV Chief Operating Officer (COO) Hussain Fiyaz Moosa outside of Court
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Attacks on Media
Fiyaz’s appeal stalled over lack of case reports
Fiyaz declared innocent of charges on August 27
PG says case documents still not handed over by Court
Court unavailable for a comment

Prosecutor General (PG) Office says the appeal of RaajjeTV Chief Operating Officer (COO) Hussain Fiyaz Moosa is stalled until the Court hands over the case summary report.

Criminal Court sentenced Fiyaz as not guilty on charges of touching an officer without consent on August 27th.

Speaking to RaajjeTV an official from PG Office reported the case summary report had not been handed over and the appeal in High Court will be stalled until this report is received.

A month had lapsed since the sentence was announced. No reason had been given for the delay in filing the report.

Criminal Court was unreachable for a comment.

The Court issues a summary report within a week’s time after announcing the verdict.

Fiyaz was initially charged with assaulting a police officer, but was later revised to 'touching an officer without consent', a third-degree crime, after the Court noted inconsistencies in the charges raised against him.

The journalist who has over 17 years of experience was charged over an arrest made in November 2015, while covering a bomb scare in the capital Malé City. This was the first time he had ever been accused of such a thing.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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