K. Male'
01 Oct 2017 | Sun 19:30
Maafannu West Constituency Member of Parliament Mohamed Falah
Maafannu West Constituency Member of Parliament Mohamed Falah
Abdulla Naseer Ibrahim
Government Watch
This administration will attempt to hijack elections: MP Falah
Murder of youth does not concern incumbent President
Police, govt. incapable of putting an end to murders
This administration is a corrupt one

This administration will attempt to hijack the next Presidential elections in order to claim a win and citizens must not give this opportunity, says Maafannu West Constituency Member of Parliament Mohamed Falah.

Speaking in Saturday night’s edition of RaajjeTV’s Fala Surukhee program, MP Falah said this administration is deceitful and corrupt.

MP Falah heavily criticized incumbent President Abdullah Yameen Abdul Gayoom, stating that the President was severely disconnected from the plight of the common citizens and had no interest of alleviating the issues on the general public.

The Parliamentarian noted that 28 youth had been murdered, adding that the Government remained incapable of resolving this issue. He said preventative measures were required to address the issues.

MP Falah also criticized current Home Minister Azleen Ahmed. Citing that the Home Minister was heavily politicized, MP Falah said there was not a single Cabinet Minister who had carried out his or her Ministerial mandate sincerely.

The MP said that all state bodies were in a state of paralysis, unable and incapable of taking any action on the rising number of murders in the Maldives.

MP Falah added that all the development projects undertaken under this administration was tinged with corruption.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Abdulla Naseer Ibrahim
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