K. Male'
01 Oct 2017 | Sun 16:18
Government Oversight Committee in session
Government Oversight Committee in session
Mohamed Fazeen
Government Oversight
Committee probing price differences postponed to Sunday night
Electricity, water priced higher for islands
Fenaka audit report shows massive graft
Government Oversight Committee to probe the price differences

The sitting of the Government Oversight Committee to probe the price differences for water and electricity services in the island compared to Male’ city has been postponed to Sunday night.

The Committee was to initially meet at 1pm on Sunday to deliberate on the issue. However, Parliament Secretariat reported that the Committee meeting had been rescheduled to Sunday night.

Therefore, the Committee meeting is scheduled for 8.30pm on Sunday.

The case was submitted to the Government Oversight Committee, citing there was significant price difference in service provision of basic services, like water and electricity, to islands compared to Male’. Relevant state bodies say the difference rose from logistical issues and the resultant expenses.

However, audit reports refute this claim. Audit reports on state utilities corporation, Fenaka, shows that the corporation had purchased diesel at inflated prices.

The case was submitted to the Committee by the opposition members in the Committee.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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