K. Male'
30 Sep 2017 | Sat 18:24
Several prominent individuals in the legal profession expressed concern over the decision
Several prominent individuals in the legal profession expressed concern over the decision
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Suspension of Lawyers
JSC revokes suspension of 16 more lawyers
The Department of Judicial Administration announced this decision in a statement on Saturday
A total of 56 lawyers had signed a petition expressing concern over recent court decisions
The department of administration had earlier revoked the suspension of thirteen lawyers

The state has revoked the suspension of sixteen more lawyers after having listen them in a mass penalty earlier in September.

The Department of Judicial Administration announced this decision in a statement on Saturday.

A total of 56 lawyers had signed a petition expressing concern over recent court decisions, expressly highlighting lack of adherence to the rule of law. 54 were suspended, the remainder had already lost their licenses.

The suspension was met with criticism towards the Supreme Court, with several in the legal profession having expressed concern over the decision.

Several prominent individuals in the legal profession, including former chief justice Ahmed Faiz had condemned the extremity of the decision.

The department of administration had earlier revoked the suspension of thirteen lawyers.  

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Abdulla Naseer Ibrahim
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