K. Male'
29 Sep 2017 | Fri 14:01
Police say that they have received 10 cases involving sorcery thus far this year
Police say that they have received 10 cases involving sorcery thus far this year
Sorcery and Black Magic
Police starts dialogue on developing legal framework on sorcery claims
Police say that they have received 10 cases involving sorcery thus far this year
Police met with representatives from the Attorney General’s Office, the Prosecutor General’s Office, and the Islamic Ministry

The police have met with other state institutions in order to discuss establishing a procedure through which to tackle cases involving claims of sorcery.

The Maldives Police Service said that its officers met with the heads of state institutions so as to develop the legal framework on such cases.

Police met with representatives from the Attorney General’s Office, the Prosecutor General’s Office, and the Islamic Ministry.

Police say that they have received 10 cases involving sorcery thus far this year, including individuals who were arrested with paraphernalia.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Rushdha Rasheed
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