K. Male'
29 Sep 2017 | Fri 00:11
Hithadhoo South Constituency MP Ali Nizar
Hithadhoo South Constituency MP Ali Nizar
Fenaka Services
Ali Nizar calls on Addu not to use water given by Fenaka
No reason to provide sub-standard service
MVR 65 per ton from every household, MVR 100 from businesses
MVR 22 per ton charged in Male’

Hithadhoo South Constituency MP Ali Nizar has called on Addu citizens not to use the water supply that is to be provided by Fenaka Corporation to Addu City.

The Parliamentarian made the appeal in a Facebook post, lamenting the high prices taken by Fenaka in service provision.

MP Nizar said MVR 65 per ton is to be charged from every household, while MVR 100 per ton will be charged for business.

He compared the prices to Male’, noting that in Male’, MVR 22 is charge for usage of one ton of water. He added there was no reason for price differences between the two cities.

Based on the current readings, a café in the city will have to spend MVR 18,000 per month just on water. MP Nizar added this was a significant bar for local business and urged to boycott the service. 

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
- comment
6 years ago
Mr Nizar's statement is obviously true that Addu citizens must boycott the supply water charges within the city which is highly comparable to capital city Male. Just look at here! how injustice is the current governor to make such a rate here where there is no money circulation. "O' people be aware how money generates in Addu city". There is no source at all. Some struggle and strive in Male city and nearby resorts there and send a portion of their wage to family members in Addu city and few government staffs work in Addu city earn little money. These people cannot afford to pay these kind of bills which government sends to these people's door step. The one or two resorts run in there city never benefits the city. Rather the money is exported out of country. All! Pls. be urged not use the water and raise your voice to boycott the unfairness action the Feneka decides.