K. Male'
27 Sep 2017 | Wed 08:36
TATA flats constructed in capital Male' city
TATA flats constructed in capital Male' city
Azmoon Ahmed
Housing Crisis
Ministry pushes ahead with housing final list, case still in ACC
Names missing from list, only assigned numbers
Case under ACC investigation
Parliament also investigating case

Housing Ministry has pushed ahead with publishing the final list of flat winners, even though the issue is being investigated by the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC).

The case was filed with corruption watch dog, after applicants had objected that names of recipients were not revealed. Both the interim and final lists specified the applicant number.

The case is being investigated by ACC as a fast-tracked case.

Public sentiment had risen against the Ministry’s decision not to publicize the details. Housing Minister Dr. Mohamed Muizz had refused to divulge the details, citing privacy concerns.

The issue had also been submitted to the Parliament Committee on Government Oversight. The Committee had requested Minister Dr. Muizz to submit the details on the points system. RaajjeMV understands the details had been forwarded to the Committee.

A statement released by the Ministry with the interim list stated that the final list will be publicized after any applicable changes. The final list does contain some changes.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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