K. Male'
25 Sep 2017 | Mon 14:42
Members in Parliament floor
Members in Parliament floor
Parliament Watch
Parliament jacks up salaries for employees
Promotions increased
Salaries jacked up by over MVR 1000
Salaries increased at the time of Speaker no confidence motion

Salaries of parliament employees have been increased, with many earning promotions.

RaajjeMV understands that while staff had earned salary boosts and promotions, some salaries had been increased by as much as MVR 1,000.

The salary increases came at a time when the opposition had entered a no confidence motion on Parliament Speaker Abdullah Maseeh. The vote on the motion is yet to be taken, even though sessions had continued. The sessions had continued under heavy security measures.

Opposition members also allege that the Speaker table is undergoing heavy renovation. MP for South-Galolhu constituency, Ahmed Mahloof sent out a tweet on Saturday night, with photos, noting that "MNDF has started work to build a 10-foot-high platform inside the parliament chamber, instead of a glass box, on Saturday".

Parliament Secretariat had refused to comment on the matter.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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