K. Male'
22 Sep 2017 | Fri 13:12
The Elections Commission has announced by-elections for Viliglli, Thulusdhoo, and Madduvari constituencies as well
The Elections Commission has announced by-elections for Viliglli, Thulusdhoo, and Madduvari constituencies as well
Dhidhdhoo By-Elections
Dhiddhoo council says parliamentary by-elections will not be held in the island
Council chair Ali Haashim said that his office does not support the commission’s decision to ‘oust sitting parliamentarians’ and announce by-elections
The Elections Commission has announced by-elections for Viliglli, Thulusdhoo, and Madduvari constituencies as well
The decision was made in accordance to a Supreme Court ruling in July that banned floor-crossing for parliamentarians

The local government council of Dhidhdhoo island in Haa Alif Atoll has said they would not allow the Elections Commission to conduct parliamentary by-elections for their constituency.

Council chair Ali Haashim said that his office does not support the commission’s decision to ‘oust sitting parliamentarians’ and announce by-elections.

“We will not allow them to hold elections, we will not let there be a polling station put on this island” Haashim said.

The Elections Commission has announced by-elections for Viliglli, Thulusdhoo, and Madduvari constituencies as well.

The decision was made in accordance to a Supreme Court ruling in July that banned floor-crossing for parliamentarians.

While the Elections Commission’s decision has been challenged, it is enshrined within the constitution that a parliament representative must be replaced within 60 days of his removal from office.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Rushdha Rasheed
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