K. Male'
21 Sep 2017 | Thu 11:48
Rilwan's mother, Aiminath Easa, at a demonstration held to mark three years' since Rilwan's abduction
Rilwan's mother, Aiminath Easa, at a demonstration held to mark three years' since Rilwan's abduction
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Ahmed Rilwan's Abduction
Concerning suspects are allowed to roam freely, could flee: Rilwans' family
The family released a statement after the first hearing in the case on Wednesday
Terror charges have been raised against Aalif Rauf, Mohamed Nooradeen and Mohamed Suaid; Suaid has been declared dead by his family
Rilwan was last seen in the early hours on the 8th of August 2014, and is believed to be abducted outside his apartment building in Hulhumalé

Family of missing journalist Ahmed Rilwan has expressed concern over the suspects in his abduction being able to roam freely on the streets.

Terrorism charges were raised against three individuals over Rilwan's abduction; Aalif Rauf, Mohamed Nooradeen and Mohamed Suaid.

The first hearing in the case was held on Wednesday, where two of the suspects were seen entering the court freely, as civilians. The third suspect, who had traveled to Syria to join the jihad there, has been declared dead by his family.

In a statement issued on Thursday, Rilwan's family said that it is concerning that Alif and Nooradeen are allowed to walk freely, despite the terror charges raised against them.

They noted that this gives space to question the 'independence and responsibility' of the Courts, Judiciary, Prosecutor General and the Maldives Police Service.

Noting that the suspects in the case "are being treated differently to others who have faced the same or similar charges," Rilwan's family said that "this creates doubt regarding the integrity of the institutions involved".

The family further noted that this gives the rest of the suspects "the opportunity to flee and hinder the investigation".

Rilwan was last seen in the early hours on the 8th of August 2014, and is believed to be abducted outside his apartment building in Hulhumalé.

Arrested in 2016, Aalif and Nooradeen were released at their remand hearing.

Police have said that on the night of Rilwan's disappearance, they had received a report of an individual being forced into a red car in Hulhumalé, but that the car was gone by the time they reached there. Police further noted that the car had been searched later on, and that it was taken into Hulhumalé illegally.

Police have since revealed that the car was registered under Aalif's name. Police said DNA tests had been run on five strands of hair found in the trunk of the car, and that one had matched to Rilwan's mother.

Police have also revealed that Rilwan had been stalked on the night he was abducted. Suaid is suspected to have followed him around.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Azmoon Ahmed
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