K. Male'
08 Sep 2017 | Fri 18:03
Members of the National Assembly of Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP)
Members of the National Assembly of Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP)
Abdulla Naseer Ibrahim
All Party Talks
Govt. insincere in call for talks: MDP
Not ready to start talks on Govt. terms
Members views will be shared with coalition partners

Members of the National Assembly of Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) has criticized the government, stating there was no sincerity on the Government’s part in calling for a resumption to the stalled All Party Talks.

The Party had opened the floor to members to express their sentiments over the letter sent in by the Government regarding the Talks.

The members said that the letter sent in by showed the Government was compelled to send in the letter. They added there was no point in participating in Talks that were on deceitful grounds, adding that President Yameen must first be arrested if the Government and the opposition were to engage in talks.

The members also stated that the decision on who should represent the Party in the Talks cannot be changed. The party had previously stated that their leader and former President Mohamed Nasheed will represent the Party at the Talks.

MDP Deputy Leader Mohamed Shifaz said the members’ views and decision will be communicated with the leaders of the joint opposition. He added that while the government was pressing for talks, all leaders of the opposition parties were in jail. Shifaz said if the Government was sincere, then they will free all the jailed leaders and those arrested on political charges.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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