K. Male'
30 Aug 2017 | Wed 23:09
Jumhooree Party's secretary general Ahmed Sameer
Jumhooree Party's secretary general Ahmed Sameer
Jumhooree Party
Do not have any deals to make with the gov't, says Jumhooree Party's SG
Sameer said that the party will not make any decisions that will affect their relationship with other opposition parties
He added that there are only two deals to make with the government, either for the President to reform his ways or for him to resign
JP's leader Qasim was sentenced to three years, two months and 12 days in prison on bribery

Jumhooree Party's secretary general Ahmed Sameer has said that they have no intention to make deals with government, in order to expedite medical leave for leader Qasim Ibrahim.

Qasim was sentenced to three years, two months and 12 days in prison on bribery, with the Criminal Court ordering authorities to make the necessary arrangements to send him abroad for the required medical attention. While senior officials of the party had, on Tuesday, met with Home Minister Azleen Ahmed - who visited Qasim in hospital on Monday night - the Minister had given assurance that Qasim will be granted medical leave "over the next few days," after completing the necessary procedures.

However, the Attorney General's office has since submitted a motion, to nullify the part of the verdict that ordered the state institutions to facilitate medical treatment for him.

Speaking at the press at Maafannu Kunooz on Wednesday evening, Sameer assured that the party will not make any decisions that will affect their relationship with other opposition parties.

While Jumhooree Party is part of the joint opposition, Sameer said the party will not take any steps "without discussing" with them.

"We do not have any deals to make with the government. If we were to make a deal, it would be with the people," Sameer added.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ismail Naail Nasheed
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