K. Male'
30 Aug 2017 | Wed 12:32
The site is used for docking vessels with passengers and cargo
The site is used for docking vessels with passengers and cargo
Housing Ministry
Housing Ministry closes off Malé City's southern lighthouse
The Housing Ministry made the announcement on Tuesday
The ministry’s statement said that it had announced cessation of the harbour’s use in June as well
RaajjeMV understands that construction of the docking site is currently at a halt

The Housing Ministry has closed off Malé City’s southern harbour and lighthouse on the grounds that it is not safe for use.

While the site is used for docking vessels with passengers and cargo, with several having collided into its semi-constructed base, the Housing Ministry made the announcement on Tuesday.

The ministry’s statement said that it had announced cessation of the harbour’s use in June as well, and that it has been used since then. The Housing Ministry said that this has become dangerous for those travelling.

While the ministry claims this, RaajjeMV understands that construction of the docking site is currently at a halt.  

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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