K. Male'
29 Aug 2017 | Tue 14:10
Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom
Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Maumoon Abdul Gayoom
Ex-President Gayoom calls for legal action against those that do not impose court verdicts
The former president said that, if stability and lawlessness in society is to be upheld, the rule of law must be adhered to and such court decisions need to be followed
Former President Mohamed Nasheed had also expressed concern over the Elections Commission’s call for bi-elections in said constituencies
Maumoon had further said that actions of state institutions over the loss of parliamentarians’ seats has also been in violation of a Supreme Court decision

Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom has called on law enforcement officers to impose sanctions against those that refuse to adhere by court verdicts.

At an opposition rally held in Kunooz, the Jumhooree Party’s headquarters, on Monday night, Maumoon said that the Criminal Court’s verdict against the party’s leader Qasim Ibrahim had provided that he be given medical treatment.  

Maumoon had further said that actions of state institutions over the loss of parliamentarians’ seats has also been in violation of a Supreme Court decision.

“Authorities do not respect any of the court’s decisions, we are seeing it all too clearly” Maumoon said “The Supreme Court clearly stated that the parliamentarians whose cases were filed with them did not lose their seats, yet still the Elections Commission announced bi-elections for their constituencies”.

The former president said that, if stability and lawlessness in society is to be upheld, the rule of law must be adhered to and such court decisions need to be followed.

“Those parliamentarians should rejoice, I congratulate them, they are still members of the Peoples’ Majlis” he continued.

Former President Mohamed Nasheed had also expressed concern over the Elections Commission’s call for bi-elections in said constituencies.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Rushdha Rasheed
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