K. Male'
26 Aug 2017 | Sat 14:20
Former Housing Minister Mohamed Aslam speaking at an opposition rally
Former Housing Minister Mohamed Aslam speaking at an opposition rally
Ismail Naail Nasheed
Civil Court
Civil Court schedules Finance Ministry's case against ex-minister for Sunday
The hearing has been scheduled for 09:45 am
The first hearing for the case was held on 13th July
The ministry is claiming MVR 312, 928 from the former Housing Minister

Civil Court has scheduled a hearing for the Finance Ministry’s case against former Housing Minister Mohamed Aslam, for Sunday.

The hearing has been scheduled for 09:45 am. The first hearing for the case was held on 13th July, where both parties had gone through the discovery stages and exchanged documents.

The ministry is claiming MVR 312, 928 from the former Housing Minister, a sum it had issued during Aslam’s time in office to make payments for his mobile phone’s telecommunication services.

The Finance Ministry had, in August 2016, asked Aslam to make the payment in full within a period of seven days.

While the matter was highlighted in a state audit of the Housing Ministry in 2010, Aslam has denied culpability but claimed that he is ready to accept the court’s decision. The former minister had said that it is the government’s prerogative to acquire any funds owing to it.

Aslam further said that the court proceedings will also prove whether or not the funds were issued lawfully.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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