K. Male'
25 Aug 2017 | Fri 16:28
Former Attorney General Husnu Suoodh
Former Attorney General Husnu Suoodh
Trials on Parliamentarians
Qasim’s verdict is reminiscent of ones issued in Roman times: Suood
Sentenced in absentia for three years, two months and 12 days
Fast tracked trial
Lawyers express concern over the verdict

Former Attorney General Husnu Suoodh has likened the verdict on Maamigili Constituency MP Qasim Ibrahim to the ones issued during Roman times.

Suood said that the verdict on MP Qasim violated several aspects of the Constitution and was a grave miscarriage of justice. This, he said, will not be accepted by many.

‘What I was able to read into that was that this was banishing Qasim Ibrahim. This is not the type of verdict issued by a Court in this country. [Basically] you’re sentenced, but go abroad. These types of verdicts were last seen during Roman times. You’re guilty, don’t come back here again,’ the lawyer said.

Criminal Court verdict on Qasim had prompted several criticisms from lawyers, with many calling this a grave miscarriage of justice.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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